20220706 Knuckling Down with Peer Mentor Relations
Originally Aired July 6, 2022, on ACB Media
20220706 Knuckling Down with Peer Mentor Relations Originally Aired July 6, 2022, on ACB Media The ACBDA Peer Mentor Relations Program is a support network that encourages members who have experience with both Diabetes and/or sight loss(mentors), to confidentially interact with one or more of their peers who need extra support(mentees). This allows for the sharing of information and experiences, and the chance to gently challenge others to see what simple adjustments could be made to better support a life of both sight loss and Diabetes. These peer-to-peer bonds provide a safe place to discuss innovative ideas and move past some of the things that are uncomfortable, to gain a better knowledge and understanding of living with sight loss and Diabetes together. Knowing that we are not alone in these experiences can make a positive difference in our lives, and shed new light on the face of adversity, amidst the darkness in which so many of us live. Edited By: Larry Gassman